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Grillin’ Grover at the Winter Meetings

Posted by Jason A. Churchill on December 6, 2006

Clik HERE to read the Q & A with Mariners’ manager Mike Hargrove, fresh from the winter meetings this morning.

Some of this is typically boring banter, but there are a few interesting tidbits.

10 Responses to “Grillin’ Grover at the Winter Meetings”

  1. mariners said

    The link does not work.

  2. 3rd Watch said

    I’d like to see Grover go down and beat Bavasi in the with that sweet swing he had. Grover rarely missed and was a great contact hitter.

    Not happy about H-Ram rumored or “speculated” or “confirmed” trade.

  3. Baseballistic said

    Hmmm…Grover vs. Bavasi — that would be an entertaining fight.

    Of course, one has the power to fire the other…and should have. But on the other hand, if this Ramirez-for-Soriano deal happens, Bavasi’s the one who should get canned.

  4. J2D2 said

    It’s official now, and I’m officially out of the Bavasi fanclub. It’s not either-or; Bavasi and Hargrove both have to go. And everyone above them.

  5. wsm said

    I’m assuming that the long silence from Jason is a sign that he is carefully evaluating the various appealing franchises that are out there. Hopefully by today sometime we’ll have an announcement regarding which franchise ProspectInsider will be covering in the future. I’m good with whatever he comes up with.

  6. d2ret said

    WHAT HAPPENED TO MARK LOWE? please id really like to know.

  7. wsm said

    Lowe has destroyed all the cartilige in his elbow and unless he’s able to regrow some, he’s done. He had surgery a couple months ago, but there’s no guarantee that will help. He can’t be counted on to be of any value in the future.

  8. d2ret said

    Thanks for the update Wsm. Jeez. Im going home and going to bed now… feeling a little tired. 😦

  9. Link is working again. Every 100 downloads of the file, I have to refresh the file. That went fast.

  10. mariners said

    Hey i hope your feeling better jason.

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